Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Happy Tuesday to You!

Good morning everybody! It's Tuesday, and boy am I going to be busy today! I've got about 60 minutes of transcription I have to do, plus get Emma off her bus, find more neat stuff for you to look at here on The Bubble Bath, clean up the cat poo in the kitchen (I guess I should do that first, huh?), and keep Layla out of trouble (ha!).

Last night a few neighborhood boys knocked on our door with crawdads. We have a 55-gallon aquarium filled with river water and rocks and sand from the river, and a smallmouth bass named Peg. Well, these boys caught probably 20 or so crawdads and they knew our aquarium is filled with river life, so they were trying to sell us the crawdads. We bought them (for $4) and dumped them into the aquarium. Keep in mind that Peg has not eaten for a couple weeks now, so she is hungry. So as soon as we dumped the crawdads in, Peg goes crazy, and "inhales" a big crawdad into her mouth! Surprised the crap out of us, because we didn't think a fish could eat a crawdad. There were two tiny crawdads in the bottom of the bucket still, and Troy picks them up and drops them in, and Peg swallows them whole without a hitch. And then she goes to the corner of the tank and grabs the biggest one there is, and eats it, too! So now she's swimming around slowly with a big tummy. Who would have thought that a fish ate crawdads? And she's not that big of a fish, either!

Well, I will leave you for today so that you and I can get back to what we're supposed to be doing. Haha. Have a great day and I'll catch you later!

Rachael :O)

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